
When the sun rises…and you rise out of bed… what happens next? What healthy morning routines are you following?

Healthy morning routines make the start of your day awesome! And…if the start of the day is good, then the rest of the day is bound to be good as well, right?

Below are some easy steps to achieve the best healthy morning routines in 5 realms, and increase your chances of enjoying more good days!

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Are your Care Products making you sick?


According to the Environmental Working Group, “With the exception of color additives and a few prohibited substances, cosmetics companies may use any ingredient or raw material in their products without government review or approval.” This means that you can’t trust every product on store shelves and that it’s good for you and the environment.


A toxic regimen

Did you know that the law that governs cosmetics hasn’t been updated since 1938? More than 12,500 chemicals are used to make cosmetics and personal care products, but the vast majority of them have not been tested for safety. In a typical day, you might be exposed to over 200 different chemicals, many of which are suspected of causing cancer or disrupting hormones.

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Mindfulness : your innate superpower

mindfulness, awareness, inner power, self development, techniques


” Our true home is not in the past. Our true home is not in the future. Our true home is in the here and the now.”

Imagine yourself living in a permanent vibrant happiness state of mind. No fears, no pain, no anger. Just a relaxed, non-judgmental and enjoyable awareness of your thoughts, feelings and sensations. Moment by moment. It sounds almost like a superpower reserved for one or two characters possessing extraordinary talents or mental capacities. The truth is that we all have that power inside of us. We are born with a special energy that helps us recognize the conditions of happiness already present in our lives. It is called mindfulness. A procedure as simple as paying attention to what is going on inside and outside ourselves, in the present moment, with purpose, without judgements. Retraining our minds could sound easy, but it takes some dedication, time and effort.

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